New and Updated Study Abroad Programs

New and Updated Study Abroad Programs

We’re excited to share four amazing summer programs to make this summer unforgettable!

  • NEW Australia Global Prep: Learn about sustainable development and support the protection and renewal of natural habitats on a two-week program responding to the recent bushfires that have ravaged many parts of Australia. As a safety note, students will not be anywhere near active fires.


  • NEW Germany STEM Summer Global Prep: Participate in STEM workshops and labs, go on excursions, and learn from professionals at company visits on a two-week trip to Bielefeld, Germany. Bielefeld is known for its mechanical engineering industry and some of Germany‘s most successful companies.


  • UPDATED Kenya Summer Global Prep: Learn about wildlife conservation and indigenous Maasai culture on a three-week adventure in Kenya! Explore national parks, wildlife conservations, and stay with a local host family. This program has been expanded from 2 to 3 weeks, adding tours of renewable energy facilities and a wider variety of natural habitats and cultural activities.


  • UPDATED Thailand Summer High School: Dive into Thai culture and local community for 6 weeks! Attend a local high school, live with a Thai host family, and engage in daily customs. Get a full immersion, high school experience without missing a semester or year of school back home. This program is back in our catalog after a few years on hiatus.