New Features on MyAFS

New Features on MyAFS

We are happy to announce new features that have been added to MyAFS!

Updates to the MyAFS Team Directory – Hosted Students
We have added a new feature to the Hosted Students view in your Team Directory. You now have the ability to view the hosted students coming to your team for the 2017-2018 program cycle. There are now two options to view hosted students in your team, which are:

  • Here Now: List of hosted students who are on program in the U.S.
  • Coming Soon: List of hosted students who are placed with families and will be arriving in August and September for the 2017-2018 program cycle. When you click on the student’s photo you will see a detail screen that will have information on the student’s school, host family, and liaison (if a liaison has been assigned). You also can view their travel information.

New Feature on the Placements Widget – Email “Get to Know” documents directly from MyAFS

From the Placements widget you can now email the “Get to Know” document of an individual student directly to a family that is interested in hosting. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the MyAFS Placements widget.
  2. Click on the student that the family is interested in.
  3. At the top, click on the envelope icon and enter the prospective host family’s email address.
  4. Customize the message and click “send”

MyAFS and Help & Learning Upcoming Webinars
For more information, check out the upcoming MyAFS webinars. This is your chance to ask questions, learn how to use each of the widgets, and view the different resources and trainings available on Help & Learning.

We continue to receive positive feedback from volunteers about MyAFS.  The number of volunteer tasks being completed via MyAFS also continues to increase at a significant pace. For example, when we launched the Contacts and Visits widget in May we saw 40% of all contacts being logged on MyAFS and at by Departure Day 65% of all contacts were being logged via MyAFS. In addition, 40% of all interviews are now being logged via the Interviews widget.

MyAFS is a tool to support the great work you do for AFS-USA. We hope that these new features are useful and make it easier for you to support the delivery of AFS programs in your team.

Don’t forget we want and need your feedback! Your input helps us to continue to make improvements to MyAFS and determine which new features and/or widgets to consider for future development. You can email your feedback to