New Volunteer Role: Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator

New Volunteer Role: Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator

Have you heard about the new volunteer role, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator, that was launched at the April AFS Summit in Cleveland?  If you haven’t yet, or want to learn more, we are hosting a national webinar for all interested volunteers to join on Tuesday, May 8th at 8pm ET – 7pm CT – 6pm MT – 5pm PT.

RSVP Here to learn more about the role, its purpose, the associated responsibilities/time commitments, and goals. Through the webinar and associated conversations, we hope to identify AFS Volunteers interested in the position. In the months to come, we will also provide training and guidance to help ensure that each Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator is working toward goals that are specific to and best suited for her/his Area Team or Chapter.

These days, at successful businesses and organizations, diversity and inclusion are frequently the topics of discussion when leaders are focused on strengthening and growing their businesses. At AFS, we’ve been ahead of the curve when it comes to the diversity of our hosted students, and many schools and communities have experienced first-hand the benefits that engaging with our students can provide.

But how diverse are we across the board? Does the composition of our Area Teams reflect the diversity of the schools and communities that they represent? Are our host families an accurate reflection of the diverse people (and family compositions) that make up U.S. society? Are we attracting U.S. students from all communities and walks of life?

The answers to these questions will vary from region to region but, in general, we know that there is great value in actively working to make AFS a more diverse and inclusive organization. There’s more to the conversation than just being able to view ourselves as a model of diversity and inclusion. As organizations across the country recognize, becoming a more diverse and inclusive organization is a critical way to strengthen an organization, to ensure its relevance, and to achieve a broader level of success. For AFS, diversity is a part of our DNA and part of the charge given to us by the American Field Service Ambulance Drivers.

Will you join us this Tuesday?  Sign up here!

If you can’t make it, but want to learn more, let us know and we will contact you to set up a time to meet. We will be hosting an additional webinar (date and time to be determined) in the weeks to come.

Thank you,

The Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group (DIAG)