Posting about AFS on social media

Posting about AFS on social media

When searching for new AFS Host Families, Volunteers, or Sending students, many volunteers and staff members find that social media is an effective tool for promotion and recruitment. However, there are a few best practices and rules to keep in mind when posting about AFS on social media.

Confidentiality Online

Many Area Teams use Facebook groups to communicate and share information and best practices. If your team does not have a Facebook group and you wish to create one, be sure to (a) check with your team leadership before doing so, and (b) ensure that you are creating a “closed group” and not a “page,” which is often public. A “closed group” is a private, invite-only group that enables volunteers, staff, and/or participants to discuss AFS information, news, and events that are not pertinent to the public. It is more conducive to collaboration and community than a page is.

Once you create or join a “closed” Facebook group, you may invite the members of your choice. When you post in a closed group, generally only the approved group members will be able to see what you share; however, if a member of the group shares the post outside of the group or comments on a posting, both would be visible to the public and/or others outside of the group via their own Facebook News Feed.

Please keep in mind, all AFS Volunteers have agreed to adhere to the AFS Code of Conduct, which includes treating all program participants, families, fellow volunteers, and staff with respect and respecting the confidentiality of the same, whether online or in-person. Topics of a sensitive nature and those that may violate the privacy of any participant, host family, or volunteer, should not be shared in a closed Facebook group or on any public forum. For more information about the AFS Code of Conduct and confidentiality within AFS, please see the AFS Volunteer Agreement.

Effective and compliant public posts

If you are posting about AFS on a public page (or a personal social media account), here are a few hosting recruitment “do’s and don’ts” to keep in mind:


  • Explain the various benefits of hosting, both for the student and family.
  • Share student bios on social media. Get tips on how to do this.
  • Use graphics, captions, social media posts, and other resources available on the Field Hub.


  • DON’T appeal to public pity or guilt to find host families.
  • DON’T imply that an exchange student will be denied participation if a host family is not found.
  • DON’T appeal to urgency or upcoming deadlines.
  • DON’T share students’ full names, photos, or contact information on social media.
  • DON’T specify the exact number of students that need to be placed.