What are Sponsored Programs Host Family Recruitment Funds?
- Each Area Team is allocated reimbursable funds to support the recruitment of host families for Sponsored Programs participants (YES, FLEX, and CBYX). Please read this document carefully, as it contains important information throughout.
- All Area Teams will have $500 of Host Family Recruitment Funds available for the 2025-26 hosting season to be spent by December 31, 2025.
What can these funds be used for?
- These marketing funds can be used in projects that can reach a wide audience, such as:
- Farmers market/conference tabling fees (Highly Recommended)
- Printed ads in local newspapers and Playbills
- Promotional displays
- Peachjar ads
- Yard Signs
- Custom flyers/stickers
- Sponsoring a charity event (include promotional materials)
- Local mailings
What are the restrictions on the use of these funds?
- Requests for teams to use these funds for wearable items, gifts, or food will not be accepted.
Are there any design requirements?
- Yes, all printed and digital materials must have ECA branded logos as well as the AFS-USA logo.
- Use this folder to find all of the necessary logos if you plan to design the materials yourself.
- Marketing Resources on My AFS Help & Learning:
- Promoting AFS
- Promoting Hosting
- Reach out to your local media
- AFS Style Guide – pages 10 and 11 give examples of language that can be used for Sponsored Programs ads.
Does my Area Team need approval to use these funds?
- Yes, all projects require preapproval from the Sponsored Programs Department before any purchases are made.
- Once you have an idea of how you’d like to spend these funds, please fill out this form to submit your project proposal to your Sponsored Programs Hosting Specialist.
- The form will ask you to outline the project along with indicating whether you need marketing design support. If you do need marketing design support, you can enter the specifications for the design you are seeking on this form.
Can I use my Area Team’s credit card to purchase items?
- IMPORTANT: the Field Finance team has determined that volunteers can no longer use Area Team credit cards to make payments for Sponsored Programs expenses
How will I seek reimbursement?
- Volunteers are asked to use personal credit/debit cards, take clear pictures of their receipts, and submit reimbursement request by using this form.
- Receipts must be detailed and clearly specify which expense is being requested for reimbursement. Any unclear receipts will be returned for updates, which could delay the reimbursement process.
Is it possible to get funds in advance for a project?
- Yes, if your project is approved and you would like to request an advance, please complete the Advance Request form and submit it to SPexpenses@afsusa.org at least three weeks prior to any anticipated purchases.
In Summary:
- $500 for each AT to spend on SP Host Family Recruitment initiatives by 12/31/25.
- Fill out this form to submit your project proposal and await SP approval.
- Do not use your Area Team Credit Card.
- Submit reimbursement requests by using this form.
All of your efforts to bring more Sponsored Programs students into your community are very much appreciated, helping our shared mission to empower people to become globally engaged citizens and help create a more just and peaceful world.
The Sponsored Programs team is excited to see your creativity and please do not hesitate to reach out to your team’s Sponsored Programs Hosting Specialist if you have any questions!
Jacob Nathanson (jnathanson@afsusa.org) – Eastern Teams and Central 2 & 4
Natalie Rehberger (nrehberger@afsusa.org) – Western Teams and Central 1 & 3