Support AFS-USA on Giving Tuesday!

Support AFS-USA on Giving Tuesday!

As many of you know, today is Giving Tuesday, a global movement to create a day of charitable giving at the start of the holiday season and a response to the commercialization and consumerism in the days following Thanksgiving.  Today, using a wide array of social media platforms, we are actively reaching out to AFS-USA’s donors to thank them for their support and encourage their continued giving.

Giving Tuesday not only provides an opportunity for donors to give, but also an opportunity for nonprofit organizations to give thanks. On this day, we especially want to express our profound gratitude to the AFS-USA staff and volunteers who give countless hours of their time and energy to nurturing a new generation of committed and compassionate global citizens. Thank you for being the backbone of our work.

As we celebrate all that AFS does and the many ways our work impacts the world, we hope you might consider supporting AFS in another way – by visiting our website at and making a contribution. Your meaningful gift, combined with your special commitment, is a source of great encouragement in these challenging times, and all gifts will be matched by AFS-USA’s Board of Directors up to $100,000 through December 31, 2018.

Thank you for all that you do for AFS-USA and to help create a more just and peaceful world.

-The Development, Communications and Alumni Relations Team (Marlene Baker, Rosetta Fludd, Jonathan Gross, Samuel Kahler, Minela Kajmak, Molly Kisner, Beth Richter, Edith Yang)