Global Link & MyAFS will be brought down at 9pm EDT on Friday Night Aug 16th – with plan to be back up Saturday morning August 17th at 9am EDT.
Tag: Featured
Thai students are extremely friendly, open-minded, and beloved among our host families!
Please take 10 minutes to complete our study abroad survey by Thursday, August 15, so we are able to consider your input in our planning for the 2020 campaign.
Over the past year, a working group comprised of AFS-USA staff, volunteers, members of the board of directors, and a facilitator from a firm specializing in effective strategic planning have worked together to develop AFS-USA’s Strategic Plan 2.0.
How cool is this intercultural learning tool! Join us for the Webinar on July 24 at 8 pm ET- 7 pm CT- 6 pm MT-
5 pm PT and find out.
We will be temporarily removing the Sending widget from MyAFS, effective Monday, July 8.
The June 30 deadline to nominate volunteers for the prestigious Galatti and Howe Awards is approaching.
We are looking for volunteers interested in joining our dedicated and passionate team, the goal of which is to make achieving compliance easier for all.
AFS-JPN must provide a confirmed list of 1st arrival students to their travel agency by June 19, 2019.
Champions Month is a nationwide initiative that focuses our host family recruitment on select AFS Exchange Students arriving in the U.S. this fall.