A new host family resource page has been added to the AFS-USA website.
Tag: Hosting
To improve student experience, we’re introducing two new “mini-gateway” airports in Minneapolis (MSP) and Washington, D.C. (IAD) and replacing the Houston gateway with Dallas (DFW).
This week’s stories are great examples of AFS-USA programs, students and families featured in the media. You can use these pieces to promote AFS in your area and as inspiration for pitching stories to your own local media outlets!
Liaisons can now make note in MyAFS if a contact or visit did not happen.
Attend this webinar to learn where to find AFS Marketing print materials, templates and more! In addition, hear about International Education Week and how you can get involved.
AFS Welcome Families make it possible for international students to arrive in the U.S. in a timely manner and start making the most of their exchange experience. These welcome families usually host for 6-12 weeks before students move to permanent host families for the remainder of their program. Lots of volunteers and welcome families have […]
AFS/YES Student From India Receives Full Scholarship to Wellesley College In 2014, Manvi Chaudhury was a Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) scholarship recipient from India who was hosted with AFS-USA in Minneapolis, MN. “After that year I started dreaming of doing more,” she said. Now Manvi, who comes from a rural village in India, […]
When searching for new AFS Host Families, Volunteers, or Sending students, many volunteers and staff members find that social media is an effective tool for promotion and recruitment. However, there are a few best practices and rules to keep in mind when posting about AFS on social media. Confidentiality Online Many Area Teams use Facebook […]
Please keep in mind that every student needs to have an Arrival Orientation completed and recorded in Global Link. If you have not already done so, please make sure all your students have been linked to an Arrival Orientation and that they have been marked as attending the activity. Any student not given a date […]
Dear AFS-USA Volunteers and Staff, We are happy to report that all of our remaining YP-2017 hosted students have been placed with host families and will soon be traveling to the U.S.! I want to personally congratulate all of you on this significant achievement, which was certainly not without its challenges. Two of the biggest […]