Tag: Hosting

Just one more.

Dear AFS Volunteers, Last January, over 2,000 young people across the globe began dreaming of coming to the U.S. They put their faith in the volunteers and staff of AFS-USA, and we answered accordingly. We’ve worked incredibly hard. We have shown what volunteers can do, and what U.S. citizens are truly made of. And we […]

AFS in the Media

Thanks to the AFS-USA Volunteers who helped get the following articles published! Learn how you can do the same by viewing the media outreach tips and resources in Help & Learning. YES Student’s Experience Exploring the U.S. Isheka Argawal, a YES Student hosted in Virginia, wrote about her lifelong dream to visit the U.S. and discussed her experience […]

NH17 Program Extensions

Each NH cycle, some of our Semester (SM) students decide that they would like to extend their program. This year’s decision deadline for program extension is November 7, 2017 with a paperwork deadline of December 8, 2017. If you become aware that a student would like to extend their program, please email the following information […]