Tag: Hosting

New Features on MyAFS

We are happy to announce new features that have been added to MyAFS! Updates to the MyAFS Team Directory – Hosted Students We have added a new feature to the Hosted Students view in your Team Directory. You now have the ability to view the hosted students coming to your team for the 2017-2018 program […]

AFS in the Media

The following articles are great examples of AFS-USA programs, students and families featured in the Media. Use these pieces to promote AFS in your area and as inspiration for pitching stories to your own local media outlets! You can find press release templates and pitching tips on the Field Hub, under the Downloads section of […]

Drumbeat: Back from the barbecue?

We hope you had fun at your Fourth of July festivities! We’re ready to get back in the swing of things after enjoying some barbecues, backyard parties, and fireworks. Now, let’s continue that patriotic spirit by encouraging new families to share American culture with an international exchange student! Share on Facebook: Highlight and copy the […]

AFS in the Media

The following articles are great examples of AFS-USA programs, students and families featured in the Media. Use these pieces to promote AFS in your area and as inspiration for pitching stories to your own local media outlets! You can find press release templates and pitching tips on the Field Hub, under the Downloads section of […]