Liaison Linking for 2019-2020 has started. Learn more to get your team’s liaisons all set before the new school year begins!
Tag: Participant Support
Recording of the Monthly Support Webinar: Managing Mental Health Challenges is now available on Help&Learning.
Introducing a more user-friendly Liaison linking interface and process for NH19!
Sign up NOW for the Monthly Support Webinar: Mental Health Challenges, today April 11, at 8pm ET- 7pm CT- 6pm MT- 5pm PT.
If you were not able to attend the March Support Webinar on Addressing Poor Academic Performance, you can watch a recording now available on MyAFS Help & Learning.
Sign up for the Monthly Support Webinar: Addressing Poor Academic Performance, on Thursday, March 14, at 8pm ET- 7pm CT- 6pm MT- 5pm PT.
If you were not able to attend the Documenting and Reporting Support Challenges Webinar you can watch a recording by going to MyAFS Help & Learning.
If you were not able to attend the Student Travel Guidelines Webinar, you can watch a recording by going to MyAFS Help & Learning.
For the safety of our students and the organization as a whole, additional efforts are now being made to complete background checks on host family members turning 18.
Please join us for a webinar on Travel Guidelines on Thursday, January 10th at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 6pm MT, or 5pm PT.