Thank You to All AFS-USA Volunteers!

Thank You to All AFS-USA Volunteers!

Dear Volunteers,

On this International Volunteer Day, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for AFS-USA. Your dedication and hard work are what make our mission possible. Together, we are creating a more just and peaceful world one student, one family, one school, and one community at a time.

The AFS-USA volunteer community of over 4,000 people across the country continues to inspire me, and it was a pleasure to meet many of you at this year’s AFS Summit in Minneapolis. If you weren’t able to attend the summit, please take a moment to read about the AFS Volunteer award winners who were recognized.

Because of you, students and families alike are having formative experiences and building bridges across cultures. Our people, our volunteers, are our greatest strength. Thanks to you, I look forward to a very bright future for AFS-USA.

Thank you,

Tara M. Hofmann
President & CEO