The 2019 AFS-USA Galatti Award Goes To…

The 2019 AFS-USA Galatti Award Goes To…

The AFS Galatti Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service honors AFS Volunteers whose longtime commitment, dedication, and exceptional journey with the organization have advanced the mission and goals of AFS and created an impact in the AFS Community. The National Council Volunteer Recognition Committee is pleased to announce that the 2019 AFS-USA Galatti Award goes to Ann Steglich from the Michigan Area Team! The VRC received beautiful nominations for several outstanding volunteers, and in the anonymous judging process, Ann was the top choice. Congratulations, Ann!

Ann’s nominator wrote, “There have been many changes in the AFS organization in the last 50 years: leadership changes, organizational changes, location changes, staff and volunteer changes. One constant has been Ann Steglich, and she has only gotten better! Ann Steglich’s value to the AFS organization is immeasurable.”

As an all-star volunteer in Michigan, Ann has been the driver for many aspects of AFS in Metro Detroit, including hosting, sending, support, orientations, scholarships, liaison coordination, and fundraising. “Most importantly, Ann provides support, guidance, love, and understanding to AFSers: host and natural families, returnees, and volunteers. Ann has always opened her home and heart to AFS.”

In addition to local leadership roles, Ann has been a Flight Chaperone, an NVA Delegate, a member of numerous committees, a presenter at the Michigan Volunteer Conference, and an airport volunteer. She has helped to secure grants from major companies like DaimlerChysler and Ford Motor Company and won numerous local awards. She has also focused on scholarship fundraising and programs for minorities and under-represented students in Detroit.

“Ann has an unwavering commitment, passion, and exceptional dedication to advancing the mission and goals of AFS. She has fostered international exchange for 50 years. Her personal belief is that all students without distinction as to race, sex, language, religion or social status should have the opportunity to become a global citizen.”

Ann truly embodies Stephen Galatti’s words when he said, “For you now have the power to play a part in the realization that peace can come through understanding and through friendship the world over.” As the winner of the AFS-USA domestic Galatti Award, Ann’s nomination will also be submitted to AFS-International as the AFS-USA candidate for the International Galatti Award. Congratulations, Ann!