The Passing of Jerene Thomas, AFS-USA Volunteer for 55 Years

The Passing of Jerene Thomas, AFS-USA Volunteer for 55 Years

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

I am sad to report that Jerene Thomas, one of AFS-USA’s most longstanding, dedicated and remarkable volunteers, passed away recently at the age of 92. We will miss her dearly, and we are deeply saddened by her passing. However, we are also inspired as we look back at her incredible impact during her 55 years as an AFS-USA Volunteer in Virginia.

Jerene was a true leader in her AFS Area Team. Her team members valued her expertise and looked to her for guidance. Importantly, she led by doing, taking on a variety of roles including leading student orientations, working with schools, recruiting host families and volunteers, and acting as a liaison for hosted exchange students. At one point it was reported that Jerene Thomas, “is responsible for the well-being of all students and host families in Virginia.”

Of course, Jerene was also a dedicated host mom to dozens of international AFS Students who are better for having had her in their lives.

In 2005, Jerene won the prestigious Galatti Award, which is given annually to select AFS Volunteers worldwide who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the advancement of the AFS mission. I want to share a passage from the news article we published about Jerene at that time, which captures her spirit and impact. It reads:

“Thomas, her curly dark hair close on her forehead, looks like the kind of grandmother that everyone wants to have, quick with a laugh or a story or to offer some tea and cookies. When talking of her ‘kids,’ her eyes sparkle with fond memories and pride of those students that shared her home… ‘Religion doesn’t matter when it comes to relationships with people,’ she said. ‘Country doesn’t matter. Individual people matter.’”

This passage represents Jerene as we knew her, and as we will always remember her.

A memorial will take place this coming weekend in Falls Church, VA. In lieu of flowers, the Thomas family has asked for contributions to be made to three of Jerene’s favorite causes, including AFS-USA. We are honored by this gesture and touched that even in her legacy, Jerene continues to work for the AFS mission of building a more just and peaceful world. Please join me in keeping the Thomas family in your thoughts.

Click here to read Jerene Thomas’ obituary.


Jorge Castro
AFS-USA President