The Passing of Therese Barringer

The Passing of Therese Barringer

We are saddened by the recent passing of Therese Barringer, a dedicated AFS Volunteer and Host Parent in New Jersey.

Originally from Belgium, Therese was an AFS Reverse Returnee who spent her exchange year in Wilmington, Delaware in 1961-62. She later returned to the U.S. and married Charles Barringer, whom she had met during her time in Delaware.

Both Therese and Charles volunteered with AFS, the organization that brought them together. Therese in particular became deeply involved with the New Jersey Area Team, from interviewing students to serving as a liaison. Her AFS Effect came full circle when she and her husband became host parents to two AFS students from Spain and Turkey.

Outside of AFS, Therese was a mother of three and a French teacher. She also worked for several UN agencies in countries around the world.

The AFS Family will miss Therese dearly. We are grateful not just for her service, but for the opportunity to call her an AFSer.

You can read Therese’s obituary and leave a memory or condolence message at: