The Study Abroad Widget is Back!

The Study Abroad Widget is Back!

Dear AFS Volunteers,

We are very happy to announce two big updates to MyAFS for Study Abroad volunteers!

The first is an update to the Study Abroad interviews found in the Interviews widget. We have created a rule that identifies ‘Top Priority’ applicants who need interviews based on the transfer deadline given to us by the hosting partner. This will allow you to easily see whose interview is most urgent, based on when their application needs to be complete! As always, if you ever have questions you can reach out to Caitlin (, 646-751-2126) or Justin (, 646-751-2084).

The second is the re-launch of the Study Abroad widget! We have brought back this widget so that our Study Abroad volunteers have a tool to review the applicants in line to study abroad from their area team. The widget will show you where an applicant lives, their home school, the program they are interested in, and it will explain to you where they are in the application process! We hope that this is just the first edition of the Study Abroad widget, and we will continue to work on making improvements and adding features as time goes on. In the meantime, we hope that having this widget back is a resource to you in understanding what Study Abroad activity is happening in your team!

Thank you for your great support, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Justin or Caitlin with questions or concerns!

Our best,

AFS-USA Study Abroad Team