Top Global Learning Schools Scholarship

Top Global Learning Schools Scholarship

The application for the Top Global Learning Schools Scholarship is now open. This scholarship is going to be offered again in 2017, however we are not expanding the list of Top Global Learning Schools. Only students attending schools that are already Top Global Learning Schools can apply. The current list of schools can be found on the Top Global Learning Schools Scholarship website after selecting the state.  Here are further details about the scholarship:

  • The deadline to apply for the scholarship is May 2, 2017
  • Students applying for Year, Semester and Summer (4 to 8 weeks) program are eligible
  • Global Prep applicants are not eligible to apply for this scholarship
  • The scholarship is competitive and students are competing against other applicants nationally
  • Two to four $1000 awards will be given nationally

For a complete list of details and guidelines, visit the Top Global Learning Schools Scholarship page.