Upcoming LGBTQ initiatives for the AFS community

Upcoming LGBTQ initiatives for the AFS community

The AFS-USA LGBTQ Exchange Group is happy to announce two exciting diversity initiatives! We welcome all members of the AFS community to participate. If you’re interested, check out the following initiatives to see how YOU can help promote diversity and inclusion.

Initiative 1:

The AFS-USA LGBTQ Exchange group is working on a new video for our Diversity Webpage. We’re looking for video clips of LGBTQ returnees, host families, and volunteers to incorporate into a 5-minute FAQ video. If you’re interested in sharing your experiences as an AFS participant or Host Family, please check out the document “LGBTQ Video Instructions”.

Initiative 2:

The LGBTQ Exchange Group has partnered with AFS Germany’s QueerTausch on their “You’re safe with me” campaign. This initiative is looking for active AFS Exchange Students, Volunteers, Host Families, and Staff to help us take the next step toward the inclusion of all sexual and gender identities within the AFS community. Participating in this campaign is easy – all you need to do is print out a sign and post a selfie on Facebook, Instagram, or another social media platform. For more details, and to get your sign, please check out the document “You’re Safe Rainbow Sign”.

Diversity is an important part of AFS and our goal is to make it visible! If you have any questions, please contact the LGBTQ Exchange Group at lgbtqexchange@afsusa.org.