Update on Hurricane Irma

Update on Hurricane Irma

Dear Volunteers,

As Hurricane Irma makes its way north, support staff has been working closely with support volunteers and TDS staff in Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina to monitor all placements. All partners, whose students’ host families have left their homes and moved to different locations, have been notified. As we expect more student moves, we will continue to send out updates to all appropriate parties. Please note that it may become difficult to reach students, host families, and volunteers via email or phone as there may be power outages and cell phone towers in some areas may get powered down. We have put additional DO resources into place for the weekend and will continue to monitor all placements in affected areas. Please direct any inquiries over the weekend to our Duty Officer system, but know that additional staff along with volunteers will continue to assist in monitoring participants throughout the weekend. We would like to thank everyone who has assisted in the effort of keeping our participants safe, has helped in providing shelter to participants and/or families, and hope everyone will stay safe throughout the weekend and beyond.