Update on Volunteer Support and Registration

Update on Volunteer Support and Registration

AFS-USA is in the process of making upgrades to its volunteer support and registration systems and processes, in an effort to improve the volunteer experience. Here are some changes to take note of:

  1. To take advantage of synergies in review and approval of Host Family and Volunteer applications, the Hosting Operations department has taken over the role of processing new and re-registering volunteer applications.
  2. Moving forward all questions from volunteers that cannot be answered by your TDS, whether related to volunteer registration or other challenges, can be directed to the helpme@afsusa.org email address.
  3. Response to volunteer inquiries is now being managed by the Organizational Development Department, who will support volunteers to find the answers/solutions they need.

These shifts in responsibility are already in effect, having taken place on May 15, and are expected to streamline the volunteer registration/re-registration process and improve the response time and quality of response to volunteer questions.

Lastly, AFS-USA is currently developing a new interface for volunteer registration and re-registration, which will build upon the MyAFS platform that has been so positively received. This new platform is intended to streamline the volunteer application – and thus make it easier to navigate the registration process. More information will be shared via MyAFS News over the summer as we get closer to launching this new interface.