Updated Volunteer Registration Interviewer Online Training

Updated Volunteer Registration Interviewer Online Training

The online Volunteer Registration Interviewer training has been redeveloped and updated with new and improved information. Additionally, the online module now includes information on how to use the Interview Widget and some helpful other tips about MyAFS. Click here to access the new online module on Help & Learning (H&L).

When a volunteer completes the online module, and their Department of State (DoS) Certification and Hosting & Support Affiliations (HSA) trainings are up-to-date, the system will automatically assign (at midnight each day) the necessary affiliations for the volunteer role of Volunteer Registration Interviewer.

Please note that it can take up to an hour for all training to reflect as “complete” in Global Link and MyAFS.

If you have any questions, please reach out to AskAFS@afsua.org

Thank you,

The Organizational Development (OD) Team