Volunteer Spotlight: Elyse & Lewis Kalmans, Texas Gulf Coast Area Team

Volunteer Spotlight: Elyse & Lewis Kalmans, Texas Gulf Coast Area Team

This month AFS-USA is pleased to spotlight Elyse & Lewis Kalmans of the Texas Gulf Coast team.  Elyse & Lewis are newer to the volunteer roles in AFS and we want to welcome them with open arms to our AFS family.  Congratulations!

How did you learn about AFS and what prompted you to get involved?

E:  A host parent spoke at a Parent Association Board meeting about the positive experience her family was having as a host. She also had three daughters and was hosting a son.

L:  My junior year of high school, a classmate lived in Spain with AFS. My senior year of high school, we had an AFS student from Finland in my class. Then, we knew the families who recently hosted students at Kinkaid. And, I thought it would be a great experience for our family.

What keeps you coming back to volunteer each year?

E:  The close relationship we have with our host son, and the crazy world we live in! We need more dialogue across the globe.
L:  We had such a positive experience with Laci that I wanted to spread the AFS gospel to others.

What have you learned or how have you been personally affected from your experience with AFS?

E:  I have a Hungarian son who is forever part of our family – and his extended family is part of our extended family, despite language barriers! I see the power of individual relationships.

L:  We live in a global village. There is so much xenophobia. We all have much more in common with other cultures and religions that most people comprehend. We should learn to embrace differences and understand cultural differences.

Please share the best thing or funniest thing that’s happened to you while volunteering with AFS?

E:  Showing Laci (our son) the diversity of America – while he lived with us in Houston, we traveled to New Orleans, San Antonio, Boston, Providence, Washington DC and Richmond, VA.

L:  We have a new family member thanks to Laci. My daughters now have a brother thanks to AFS. We have a greater appreciation for Hungary, its history, its people, and it politics. There are other systems than that of the United States.

What do you want to say to people who might be interested in volunteering with AFS?

E:  Being a host parent is an amazing gift for both the host student and your own family.
L:  Go for it! You have so much to gain

What’s one thing AFS volunteers and staff don’t know about you?
E:  I am an avid needlepointer. In fact, I stitch a Texas-themed Christmas ornament annually for Laci and his family.

L:  I love yoga. One has to be flexible!