Volunteer Spotlight: Mona Brown and Enilda Reyes de Velazquez

Volunteer Spotlight: Mona Brown and Enilda Reyes de Velazquez

This month AFS-USA is pleased to spotlight Mona Brown and Enilda Reyes de Velazquez of the Oklahoma team. Mona and Enilda have just begun to volunteer this year. Mona has stepped up as Team chair, and Enilda as the team’s treasurer. They are the volunteers that form the new Oklahoma team. Congratulations Mona and Enilda!

Mona Brown                              Enilda Reyes de Velazquez

Tulsa, OK                                    Bixby, OK

Oklahoma Team                        Oklahoma Team

How did you learn about AFS and what prompted you to get involved?

Mona—I hosted a student from Denmark 13 years ago. I found out about AFS on the internet. Thought it would be a wonderful experience to host a student from another country.

Enilda—e-mail sent to my job where I am manager looking for host families.

What keeps you coming back to volunteer each year?

Mona—Support the students and help them have their best year.

Enilda—This is my first year.

What have you learned or how have you been personally affected from your experience with AFS?

Mona—I’ve learned different cultures. The students are smart and want to know about the united states. It’s fun to explore Oklahoma and share the history with the kids.

Enilda—I am currently hosting a young boy from Italy and so far, it has been a great experience. In addition, I am the treasurer for my area, and I am very happy to begin helping.

Please share the best thing or funniest thing that’s happened to you while volunteering with AFS?

Mona—The kids love my lasagna!

Enilda—When I volunteer to host Alessandro, I learned he was getting here while I would be outside the country. So, we looked for a friend family to go through the process to host him for the first 10 days that he would be here. They said they would not be able to host any more than those 10 days. Now they have 2 girls that they are planning to host the entire year. Is contagious.

What do you want to say to people who might be interested in volunteering with AFS?

Mona—It’s fun spending time with the kids.

Enilda—I think is amazing how this group of people are so happy and involved in giving this so necessary experience to our young boys and girls of other experiences all over the world.

What’s one thing AFS volunteers and staff don’t know about you?

Mona—I crochet baby blankets and give them away.

Enilda—I love helping sharing with others.