We Can Do This Together – Placing Every Student by the Deadline

We Can Do This Together – Placing Every Student by the Deadline

The Hosting Advisory Group hosted a National Hosting Call yesterday, July 18th! The call to action for each volunteer/area team was to communicate and strategize together as we work to place the remaining 290 students by the September 3rd deadline.

July 24th is an important deadline; this is our first arrivals deadline. It is our goal to have as many students placed as possible to come for first arrivals in August. We do have 10 remaining semester students that must be placed by this deadline. Please consider opening your home to welcome one of these semester students!

Call to Action

  • Talk to your network – think outside your zip code
  • Ask a family to welcome a student until at least Halloween
  • Communicate and strategize as a local volunteer team
  • Ask your current host families to consider double hosting or to ask a friend to host

Please reach out to your Regional Field Specialist and/or Regional Director if you need any assistance finalizing a host family placement by deadline. Thank you!