We did it!

We did it!

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers and Staff,

We are happy to report that all of our remaining YP-2017 hosted students have been placed with host families and will soon be traveling to the U.S.!

I want to personally congratulate all of you on this significant achievement, which was certainly not without its challenges. Two of the biggest hurricanes the U.S. has ever seen impacted student placements and travel logistics in affected areas, forcing many confirmed host families to evacuate their homes and defer hosting for the time being. We are keeping these families in our thoughts, as well as the AFS-USA Volunteers and Staff who live and work in the path of these storms.

I am truly inspired by how the AFS Community came together in these last couple of weeks to ease the burden on our impacted colleagues and students. Many of you accepted additional students in your teams with little advanced notice and without hesitation. And now, as a result of your hard work and team spirit, there are 2,094 excited students who will get to experience a life-changing 10 months in the U.S.– living, learning, and helping to promote understanding across cultures. This is how we build a more just and peaceful world, together.

Please keep in mind that there is still work to be done to find permanent placements for the many students in welcome families. Additionally, there are always cases where a permanent placement is not a good match for the student and/or host family, and a move is required. Thank you for your continued efforts to help provide our students and families with the best possible experience.

And of course, thank you to each and every one of you for everything you have done so far to achieve this success. Allowing 2,094 students to travel to the U.S. is a major accomplishment, as well as the first step in supporting profound growth, discovery and global citizenship in your communities.


Jorge Castro

President, AFS-USA

AFS Returnee, Argentina to U.S., 1977-78