2020 End of Stay and Departure Guidelines

2020 End of Stay and Departure Guidelines

Dear Area Team Volunteers,

The 2020 End of Stay and Departure Guidelines have been emailed to all Area Team Chairs and 2019 EOS Coordinators. We have also posted the updated guidelines on Help and Learning here: 2020 EOS Guidelines and Departures for all to review. If, after reviewing the guidelines, you have specific questions related to travel and logistics for your team, please contact the respective Regional Travel and Logistics Coordinator (RTLC):

Chicago, Dallas and Minneapolis: Elizabeth Bigelow, ebigelow@afsusa.org, 646-751-1963

Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Washington, DC: Kate Sullivan, ksullivan@afsusa.org, 646-751-1953

Kate is our new RTLC and will be reaching out to her gateway teams in the upcoming weeks for EOS planning.

We look forward to working with everyone to finalize departure plans for our AFS participants.

Best Regards,

The Travel and Logistics Coordination (TLC) Team