2023 Study Abroad Participant Handbooks

2023 Study Abroad Participant Handbooks

The AFS Guide for Participants is the handbook provided to students going abroad on AFS-USA programs ahead of their departure. This guide has recently been updated to reflect any changes to policies and guidelines for our outbound students going abroad in the NH23 and SH24 cycles. There is a separate edition of the AFS Guide for Participants for Sponsored Programs Students which has a special note at the beginning which address guidelines and responsibilities specific to AFS-USA implemented CBYX, YES Abroad and NSLI-Y program participants.

New this year we have developed a handbook specific to students going on short programs. The AFS Guide for Short Programs which focuses on topics and guidelines for students who will travel on summer programs 2-8 weeks long.

Please take some time to review the handbooks as you help prepare outbound participants for their AFS experience, so you can help answer questions from students you may be communicating with as they prepare to go abroad.

In addition, if you missed the recent article on conducting Pre-Departure Orientations for your local outbound students, please review it by clicking here.