AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

AFS Students Talk About Life in Minnesota

Four AFS Students, who spent eight months studying abroad in Marshall, Minnesota, shared their experience with residents at a community center last week. Read about each of the students’ experiences at Marshall Independent.


Local Cleveland High School Celebrates AFS

Just in time for AFS-USA’s National Volunteer Assembly (NVA), Cleveland Heights High School celebrates 60 years of hosting AFS Students. David K. Ford, one of the original American Field Service ambulance drivers, and Jorge A. Castro, president of AFS-USA, will be speaking aa the school’s gala this Saturday. Learn more about the event at


How Hosting Positively Impacts a Local Pennsylvania Community

A local high school in Pennsylvania welcomed their 100th AFS Student last academic year. Kristin Altadottir, is an AFS Student from Iceland, and she spent the last eight months with Robert and Barbara Hunt. “Our family has benefited as much or more than the students themselves,” Robert Hunt told the Pittsburgh Tribute-Review about his experiences as a host parent. Read the full story on TribLIVE.


AFS Student Sets Records in Track and Field

An AFS Student from Finland is making a name for herself in track and field during her time in King City, California. Noora Hautamaki is ranked 4th in long jump, 4th in triple jump, and 5th in shot put. Read more at the Monterey County Herald.


A YES Student’s Story About Working on Humans of New York

An AFS-hosted YES Student from Indonesia recently had the opportunity to work with Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York. Using her bilingual skills, she helped Stanton capture stories of Jakartans from many diverse backgrounds, and through the experience, remembered the importance conversations can have in making personal connections. Read her story at YES Stories.