AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

Below are articles that mentioned AFS in the media within the last several weeks. Please use them as applicable in promoting our work and mission.

AFS Returnees Visit their Host Community, Forty Years Later
Two AFS Returnees from Belgium and South Africa, respectively, visited the Illinois high school they attended during their exchange year. “I’m surprised at the nostalgia,” said Bridget Paverd, “I felt 16 again.” Read the whole article at the Chicago Tribune.

Exchange Students Expand their Host Families’ Cultural Horizons
A local Ohio publication interviewed three AFS Exchange Students and two host parents in the final weeks of their exchange year about the impact of the experience. Read the full article at the Vindicator.

California Family Has Hosted Exchange Students Consecutively Since 1995
Michael Proulx and Abby Munro-Proulx are longtime residents of California’s Humboldt County, where they have hosted exchange students for more than twenty years. Read the whole article at the Times Standard.

Students Complete their Exchange Year in Humboldt County
Four exchange students who lived in Humboldt County recently returned to their home countries. “I would like to thank these wonderful individuals for making our school a better place,” said Ron Perry, principal at a high school where two of them attended this year. “Their spirit and character served as a model for students and staff alike.” Read the full story at the Times Standard.