AFS in the Media

AFS in the Media

In the past few weeks, several media outlets have published stories that highlight some of the great things AFSers are doing. Here is a selection of those articles:

“The President, the Envoy and the Talib: 3 Lives Shaped by War and Study Abroad” (The New York Times)

While not mentioning AFS by name, the article traces the educational background of three prominent figures in Afghanistan’s politics. One of these figures, Zalmay Khalilzad, is the current chief American peace envoy and was an exchange student with AFS in the 1970s. Mr. Khalilzad later attended American University in Beirut, Lebanon. Read the full article at the Times.

“Opinion: Lewis & Clark’s Wim Wiewel calls on higher ed to lead battle against climate change” (Portland Business Journal)

A new opinion piece from AFS-USA Board Member Wim Wiewel, who is the 25th President of Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR. Wiewel outlines his suggestions for how leaders in higher ed can take a more active role in the cause to combat climate change. For example, Wiewel highlights Lewis & Clark’s decision to divest from fossil fuels and “make fossil-fuel-free investing a part of our fiscal policy moving forward.” Wiewel is an AFS Returnee from the Netherlands to the U.S. Read more at the Portland Business Journal (PAYWALL).

“Exchange Students give YHS high marks at Oswego East Forum” (Kendall County Now)

A local community news outlet in Illinois published this piece on Yorkville High School’s current AFS Exchange Students. The three students hail from Germany, Mozambique and Sweden, respectively. “When asked why they chose to take part in the exchange program,” writes author Shea Lazansky, “each cited a desire to not only improve their English, but to experience American culture and society.” Read the full article at the Kendall County Now.

“Russellville Spanish instructor provides home to exchange student” (Jefferson City News Tribune)

This article features the story of Christina Crews, a first-time AFS Host Parent who is also a Spanish teacher at Russellville High School in Jefferson City, MO. “Something our children can take away from having a host-brother is that he is from another country, another continent. He speaks another language, and his culture is some different than ours. They are learning about him and how he is similar and different,” said Crews. “Peach is a blessing to us. Nathan and I commend his parents on a super good job they have done in raising their son.” Read the full article at the Tribune.

“Trine University hosting May 11-12 Model UN” (The Garrett Clipper)

This story highlights the impact that Shivam, a current AFS Exchange Student from India, is making on his local community in Illinois. Shivam decided to organize a series of Model United Nations events as “a fun way to increase awareness” about other countries amongst his peers. He has partnered with another local high school and Trine University to organize and publicize the events, which will take place May 11-12. Read the full article at the Clipper.

“‘The community spirit keeps us warm’: Exchange students from Muslim countries feel welcome in Juneau, Sitka” (KTOO Public Media)

For the past eight years, families in Juneau, AK gave hosted AFS students who are scholarship recipients from the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program. These YES students, like current student Zain from Pakistan, have given the local community an opportunity to connect with someone from a country with a significant Muslim population. While in the U.S., these students have embraced Alaskan culture and reflected on what is means to be an exchange student in 2019, given the current political climate. Read the full article at KTOO.