AFS-USA Has Officially Launched a New Sending Application!

AFS-USA Has Officially Launched a New Sending Application!

Over the past year AFS-USA has been working with AFS International to move our sending application to Salesforce! We are so thrilled to announce that along with a new website, we officially launched the new student application on October 9, 2019!

AFS-USA has joined 21 partners that have launched the new application and an additional 19 partners have also signed on. We are excited to be part of a network-wide initiative to improve the application process for our sending students.

The first group of applicants that will be applying through Salesforce are NH20 Year, Semester, Summer and Global Prep. All students that are wrapping up their applications for SH20 Year and Semester programs will remain in our previous application system.

Over the next several weeks we will continue the transition and work through some hiccups. At this time, applicant information may not appear in Global Link as it has before. However, we are working diligently to ensure that information is available at critical moments for volunteers. This includes account creation, submission of the pre-app, preparing for the sending interview, and finally transfer of the full app to the partner.

Next month the Study Abroad Experience and Operations team will be holding a series of Townhalls that will cover a variety of topics related to the study abroad journey. Within this series, we will have dedicated sessions to cover the new sending application. We hope that you will attend as we are eager to get volunteer feedback! We will be sending follow up communication with registration links in the coming weeks!

As always, if you have any questions about a student application, please do not hesitate to reach out to!


The Study Abroad Experience and Operations Team