AFS-USA Program Departures

AFS-USA Program Departures

Confidential for Internal Use Only By AFS-USA Volunteers. Please do not forward or share.

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

I realize the past few days have been challenging for you and believe me they have been challenging for me. I also realize that there were messages sent by AFS Partner organizations directly to hosted students that created confusion and frustration.On Saturday, AFS International (the governing body of 50+ AFS organizations worldwide) made the decision to shorten the duration of the program and return all AFS Year and Semester students to their families in their home countries.

As you probably know, AFS is a designated sponsor and must strictly adhere to and be compliant with the US Department of State Exchange Visitor regulations. It was necessary to consult with the Department of State, and now that we have completed consultation, we are announcing the decision to shorten AFS programs in the United States.

The following letter is going to be distributed to all host families and their hosted students shortly. We realize ending programs early will be disappointing. We also recognize that individuals have different opinions about what the organization should do.

This decision was not taken lightly.  It was determined by the AFS International administration and the International Board of Trustees that this was in the best interest of our participants.

The Department of State Youth Programs Division makes decisions about the YES and FLEX program students and if there are any changes with these programs, we will communicate this information to you.

As explained in the letter to host families of Year and Semester students, we are now going to start the challenging process of planning travel for hosted students. Please recognize that for some students, traveling home may not be possible over the next few weeks due to travel restrictions and we will all need to be flexible regarding return travel and logistical arrangements.

When it is not possible for a participant to travel, AFS-USA will continue to provide support until it becomes feasible for the student to return to their family. AFS Staff and Volunteers will remain available to assist all students who will remain with their host families until travel is secured.

I want to thank all of you for your commitment to AFS students and their host families during this time of unprecedented challenge.   

With warm regards,

Tara M. Hofmann
President & CEO

Text of the message to host families:

Dear Host Parents of Students on AFS Year and Semester Programs,

AFS organizations around the world have been closely monitoring the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the measures and actions by global health experts and government officials, including the declaration by the World Health Organization of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given these circumstances, as you know, many countries are suspending schools, closing borders and enforcing quarantine measures. AFS has on-program nearly 7,000 participants who are hosted in more than 50 countries, including close to 2,000 students hosted by AFS-USA in the United States who are from countries around the world.

In the best interest of participants, AFS International (the governing body of 50+ AFS organizations worldwide) has made the decision to shorten the duration of the program and return students on AFS Year and Semester programs home to their families. The Department of State is making the decision about the YES or FLEX programs and we will communicate any program changes directly to the host families of these students.

AFS-USA is now working to implement this decision. As you may know, American AFS students who were abroad have already returned home or are in the process of returning.

We realize that this decision brings out many emotions and is a very disappointing one. As leaders in global intercultural education, we know first-hand the transformative nature of the exchange experience for participants, families and volunteers and it saddens us to bring these experiences to an early end. In our more than 70-year history, this decision is unprecedented.

Based on the volume of students and the number of countries with which we exchange, we are currently implementing a staggered approach that takes into consideration the availability of travel.

We realize that for some students, traveling home may not be possible over the next few weeks due to travel restrictions. In cases like these, students will travel when it is possible. This return process will continue over the weeks ahead.

When it is not possible for a participant to travel, AFS-USA will continue to provide support until it becomes feasible for the students to return to their families. AFS Staff and Volunteers will remain available to assist all students and students will remain with their host families until travel is secured.

We will reinforce with participants returning to their home countries that they must follow local public health mandates and recommendations to continue to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19. We would be grateful if you could do the same. Please continue to monitor the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control websites.

Our next step in this process will be to plan and then inform you and your hosted student of travel arrangements. We appreciate your patience as these plans will take time to coordinate with so many hosted students in the US and their families abroad.

We hope this communication will help to address your most critical questions and need for information. We will continue to keep you informed before students begin their departures home to their families.

As always, thank you for your confidence and trust in AFS-USA.