AFS-USA Staff: Who to Contact

AFS-USA Staff: Who to Contact

As we get fully integrated into the new field staff structure, we created a helpful cheat sheet for volunteers to better understand the role of each of their staff people. As a reminder you can find who the specific individual contacts are for your team in the Team Directory widget on MyAFS.

You can also find this article on MyAFS Help + Learning here!

Who Do I Contact?

Below you will find a brief description of the most frequently-contacted staff roles at AFS-USA. If you are unsure of who to contact, no problem! Just send an email to and we will make sure your message gets to the correct person.

Volunteer Services Specialists (VSS)

  • Handles AFS volunteer issues not related to student supporthosting, or study abroad
  • Volunteer registration and integration contact
  • Orientation or event planning
  • Compliance
  • One VSS per region

 Hosting Programs Specialists (HPS)

  • Engages volunteers to identify and screen families for hosted students before students arrive
  • Works with volunteers to identify families for hosted students if they need to move while on program
  • Builds community and school relationships
  • Three HPS per region

Study Abroad Field Specialists (SAFS)

Regional Directors (RD)

  • Establish a strategic vision and a work plan for managing and developing their assigned region
  • Maintain the health of the volunteer base in their regions
  • Keep in regular contact with volunteer leaders.
  • Manage the VSS, HPS, and SAFS in the region
  • One RD per region

Organizational Development Specialists (ODS)

  • Strengthen teams and plan for the future
  • Each ODS works with two regions

Sponsored Programs Hosting Specialists (SPHS)

Participant Support Specialists (PSS)

Study Abroad Specialists (SAS)

  • Work directly with students/parents interested in study abroad
    • Selecting an appropriate program
    • Completing the application process

Regional Travel and Logistics Coordinators (RTLC)

  • Work directly with volunteers to process Travel Waivers, Parental Permission forms, and Program Releases
  • Sign DS 2019s for Hosted Students
  • Arrange travel for Early Returns
  • Coordinate Arrival and Departure events
  • Two RTLCs nationally

 Field Finance

  • Work directly with Treasurers on all Field Finance issues
    • Area Team/Chapter financial reporting
    • Reimbursements for volunteers
    • Vendor payments
    • Opening/closing bank accounts
    • Obtaining Certificates of Insurance