AFS-USA Supports the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s National Day of Racial Healing January 19th, 2021

AFS-USA Supports the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s National Day of Racial Healing January 19th, 2021

For more than 70 years, AFS has been working with people across the globe to help create a more just and peaceful world. We do this in many ways, but especially through a volunteer-based network of individuals in communities who, by working individually and together, are supporting the AFS Mission.

As we enter a new year, AFS-USA proudly supports the W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s National Day of Racial Healing, Equity and Justice on Tuesday, January 19th and invites all AFS-USA staff, volunteers, students, and other supporters of our work to take part in this national day of virtual conversations that are being offered by dozens of organizations and institutions throughout our country.

AFS-USA supports the Foundation’s stand on Racial Healing—that it is not the responsibility of one person or group, or one organization to drive the work that desperately needs to be done by our nation and throughout the world. AFS-USA is committed to bringing racial healing to not only our students, families, volunteers and others that are present in every state in our country, but to support and collaborate with other organizations in this critical work.

We encourage our staff, volunteers, students, and others to promote and participate in this important event. For more information and resources to assist you, visit the National Day of Racial Healing site. We also recommend you bookmark this page to stay in touch with all of the information and events that will be offered:

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