AFS-USA’s Strategic Plan 2.0

AFS-USA’s Strategic Plan 2.0

Dear Volunteers,

I’m very pleased to share AFS-USA’s Strategic Plan 2.0 with you. This plan came together through the efforts of a diverse group of AFS-USA volunteers, staff, board members, and external consultants. The plan sets forth a path for AFS-USA to strengthen as an organization and to solidify and/or increase our relationships with educators, schools, and other stakeholders in the global education community. The Board of Directors endorsed the plan at their June 2019 meeting. Please see the video posted in MyAFS for an introduction to the major themes reflected in the plan.

I’m proud of the work that went into the plan and look forward to its implementation over the next 3 years, and look forward to a vibrant future for AFS-USA.


Tara M. Hofmann

President & CEO