Announcing the Re-Launch of the Volunteer Coordinator Series

Announcing the Re-Launch of the Volunteer Coordinator Series

The Organizational Development Team will be hosting a webinar series for Volunteer Coordinators. The webinars will be offered on the third Wednesday of each month at 8ET, with different topics for each session.

Webinar Dates:

September 18, 2019—Basic role of the Volunteer Coordinator, setting expectations, and Help & Learning Resources
October 16, 2019
November 20, 2019
December 18, 2019

You do not have to commit to all the webinars in the series (simply sign up for the ones that fit your schedule). Webinars will be recorded and made available to those who are not able to join.

The registration invite will be emailed approximately 2 weeks before each call. Once registered, you will get the zoom link the day of the call. Click on this Link  to register for the September 18th call.

Hope you can join us!

Audrey, Traci, Candace, Kate, & Mary Jo