Attend a Focus on Schools Webinar!

Attend a Focus on Schools Webinar!

April is AFS School Outreach Month! We need your help strengthening existing relationships and building new ones with schools, especially as we head into the hosting season. Here are two ways to get involved:

  • Focus on Schools Webinars
    • When: April 10th at 3pm EST and April 11th at 8pm EST
    • What: Sarah Yancey, AFS-USA Board Member, and Jeff Burtner, Sr. Team Development Specialist, will explore tactics for making and maintaining connections with schools!
    • How to attend: Register for the April 10th webinar by clicking here, or register for the April 11th webinar by clicking here.
  • Global Schools Week
    • When: April 29th to May 3rd
    • What: An initiative for volunteers and hosted students to cultivate school connections.
    • How to participate: Resources for reaching and recognizing schools will be provided later in April.

Sign up for the webinar to learn more and prepare for Global Schools Week! Please contact with any questions.