The AFS-USA Marketing Team invites you to attend our Marketing Webinar Series Part Four: End of Year Promotions on Wednesday, April 26 at 7 PM EST.
Author: AFS-USA
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Latvian culture & food, May’s international diners club is perfect. Join our virtual call Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00 pm EST.
The April 2023 Edition of the Global Educator Newsletter is now available! Please share these opportunities and resources with educators in your community. Thank you!
We are excited to share the release of an updated version of the Online Liaison Training!
Will you spare 5 minutes to change an educator’s life?
#AFSDay 2023 was a success! Thank you to everyone who promoted AFS in their libraries, schools, communities, and with their networks!
Have you heard? AFS-USA just launched a new monthly newsletter for host families called the Global Family Explorer! View the first edition of the Global Family Explorer here.
Help make sure that your account is secure with Two-Factor Authentication
Phase Two of this year’s hosting distribution plan will begin on May 1, 2023
Sign up for a quick tutorial! Good for both new volunteers and experienced volunteers with specific MyAFS questions