Hear from Veronica Vismara at AFS Italy and Watch the “Roam Around Italy” Call

Hear from Veronica Vismara at AFS Italy and Watch the “Roam Around Italy” Call

Hear from Veronica Vismara, from Italy, who came to the United States in 2012 to spend a year with AFS-USA! Since then, she has given back to the AFS Community through volunteering and continuing to create global citizens. To watch the video, click here!

As we continue to highlight Italy and our Italian exchange students during Champions Month, we had the “Roam Around Italy” call last week, sharing information about Italian culture and our Italian students! Current and former host families, as well as current and returnee participants gathered to share their experiences.

You can visit our Champions Month article on Help & Learning to watch the recordings. To check out other resources from the call, click here, and help us continue to promote Italy!