AFS-USA Marketing is excited to share the first webinar in a series that will extend through 2023. Watch the recording today!
Author: AFS-USA
It’s getting chilly outside and the holidays are coming up! Check out to order some cozy AFS Logo beanies and Dishcloths to liven up your holiday dinner decorations.
If you’ve been wanting new holiday cookie recipes, this international diners club meeting is perfect. Join our virtual call Tuesday, January 10th at 7:30 pm EST.
In an effort to generate more host family leads, and improve the host family experience, AFS-USA will be making considerable updates to the webpage, including the Meet the Students tool.
Is your team ready to share some love with schools for Valentine’s Day?
Chaperone and Belo flights are back! Sign up now for the 2023 travel year.
Applications for the summer 2023 AFS Global STEM Academies are now being accepted and have a deadline of January 8, 2023. Learn more about the program and how to apply below!
You’re invited to take part in a webinar series focused on providing tips and tricks for promoting AFS in your community. Each month, there will be a new topic of focus, based on your feedback! This month, we’re focusing on AFS-USA social media platforms and advertising.
Learn more about what is happening with Study Abroad at AFS!
We have just released the first applications of our 2023-2024 (NH23) students!