The AFS-USA 75th Anniversary celebration will run throughout the 2022-2023 academic year, ending in June 2023. That means there is plenty of time to celebrate!
Author: AFS-USA
We sadly lost a very dear member of the AFS-USA family this past month with the passing of Gus E. Leimkuhler, Jr., a lifelong friend, advocate, and volunteer.
Learn more about the exciting updates that we have made! These updates only apply to our core/flagship study abroad applicants.
Visit to listen to the newest episode in our 75th Anniversary series!
IEW is an important time for the AFS community. We utilize this event to promote intercultural education and build understanding across the globe. This year is especially significant because it’s the 75th anniversary of AFS!
The new PAF Receiver Affiliation is designed to make it clearer to whom at a school or district the Placement Acceptance Form should be sent when seeking formal student approval.
In honor of AFS’s 75th anniversary, The AFS Exchange is releasing 4 episodes this month! That’s 4 times the stories of the impact AFS has had over the years. Listen at!
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Brazilian culture & food, November’s international diners club is perfect. Join our virtual call Tuesday, November 8th at 7:30 pm EST.
Inspiring highlights from an event held by the founders of the Yoshi Hattori scholarship, which has been awarded to U.S. students going to Japan for three decades.
Discover tools and guidance for volunteers to engage with recent returnees in your local area.