Congratulations Dirigo Maine Area Team!

Congratulations Dirigo Maine Area Team!

Dear AFS Volunteers,

On behalf of the National Council, we would like to congratulate the Dirigo Maine Area Team for making 5 placements over this past weekend, securing a chaperone flight for their team!

Team Development Specialist Jeff Burtner reports that the team has been working extremely hard, like AFS Volunteers across the nation, utilizing social media, distributing flyers, making phone calls, attending local events, and sending emails to secure host families for their remaining students. Their incredible work paid off and they have reached their hosting goal of 25 students!

Volunteer Sylvia Williams has been instrumental in Dirigo’s success, and credit also goes to Diane Landean and Penny Lamhut! 

We know teams across the country are working just as hard to reach their hosting goals and find families for our remaining students. Please refer to these hosting best practices and input your own ideas – we are all in this together, to share successes and tackle obstacles.

“A great accomplishment shouldn’t be the end of the road, just the starting point for the next leap forward.” – Harvey Mackay


Deb Maly
Milwaukee Area Team
National Council Chair
AFS-USA Board Member

Jim Walker
Capital Area Team
National Council Vice Chair
AFS-USA Board Member