Deadlines extended for Fall 2019 Year and Semester Programs!

Deadlines extended for Fall 2019 Year and Semester Programs!

The early action deadline for Year and Semester Programs passed on December 19, 2018. We are happy to announce that we had a big increase in submissions leading up to this date, and some of our programs have even filled!

We will be extending the submission deadline for our available Year and Semester High School Programs departing Fall 2019. The new deadlines are either February 14th or March 14th depending on the transfer deadline of that partner country. As a reminder, this is the deadline for a student to submit their full AFS application.

Here is a cheat sheet with the updated deadlines. You can also find up-to-date deadline information by pulling the Sending Programs Report in Global Link.

As a reminder our 4-8 Week Summer Programs have an early action deadline of February 1, 2019 and our Global Prep Programs have an early action deadline of March 1, 2019. We encourage all interested students to complete their application by these dates for the best chance of getting their top choice destination!

A big thank you to everyone involved in bringing the AFS experience to U.S. students!


The Study Abroad Specialist Team