Drumbeat: AFS Welcome Families make a world of difference

Drumbeat: AFS Welcome Families make a world of difference

Becoming a “welcome” host family for an AFS student offers the chance to discover a new perspective and create a life-long connection with someone from around the world. Plus, welcome families can help make an international high schooler’s first few weeks in the U.S. absolutely unforgettable!

Share this opportunity with anyone you know who is interested in exploring the benefits of cultural exchange without committing to hosting for a full year or semester.

Share on Facebook: Highlight and copy one of the sample captions below, then click “Go to post,” then “Share,” and then paste your caption.

Sample Caption 1: Becoming a welcome family is a great way to see what hosting an AFS Exchange Student is all about!

Sample Caption 2: @FirstName, did you know you could host an international exchange student for just 6-12 weeks?

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For more resources to help your team “champion” welcome families, please visit the Field Hub.