Drumbeat: Meet Juan from Paraguay and Sara from Egypt

Drumbeat: Meet Juan from Paraguay and Sara from Egypt

Meet Juan from Paraguay:

Family and friends call him Juanse! His favorite food is pasta, which he knows how to cook himself. People describe him as a calm person, always in a mellow mood. He has two sisters who already went abroad with AFS and he is following in their footsteps. He has a huge interest in learning new things, in his free time always looking for tutorials on YouTube or reading articles. He is part of his school’s track and field team, which is his favorite sport next to hip-hop dance. He looks forward to continuing to stay active in the U.S. as a way to make new friends!

Listen to Juanse’s audio introduction: https://www.youtube.com/embed/xavJ3UQyVg8

Meet Sara from Egypt:

An active and curious young woman from Egypt with dreams of becoming a flight attendant, Sara would love to travel the world and meet people of different backgrounds. In her free time, she enjoys playing on a volleyball team with her friends and acting. She has even appeared in some Egyptian advertisements, films, and TV shows! She enjoys traveling with her friends and her mother and twin sister, especially to the sea to go swimming. In her U.S. high school Sara is interested in acting and trying new sports, such as skiing, lacrosse and basketball. Arrival to HF community: August 8

Listen to Sara’s audio introduction: https://www.youtube.com/embed//NHlwHDalW4Q