You may have realized that there have been no calls for nominations of National Council members, an elected Board member or for Action Items this year prior to the National Volunteer Assembly. The Chappaqua Leadership Workgroup has collaborated with volunteer leaders and senior staff to enhance the work of the National Council to better serve the organization. The volunteer leadership and staff partnership will continue to be committed to infusing the voice of the volunteers into programs and policy implementation. It will oversee and coordinate Organizational Workgroups dedicated to strategic initiatives as determined by AFS-USA’s annual planning process and members will serve as key advisers to the Executive staff of AFS-USA. Members of the this new National Council will no longer be elected; volunteers will be selected based on the needs of the organization coupled with individual’s skill sets and experience and may serve on an Organizational Workgroup for specific periods of time as deemed appropriate to see a project through to completion.
As it stands now, Deb Maly, current National Council Chair, will continue to chair through the transition year. The number of volunteers selected to serve will be between 5-7. A complimentary number of staff will also be selected. More details will follow as the evolution continues to be defined including a potential name change.