Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in Morocco, Fiji, and Ireland

Fast Facts for Study Abroad Programs in Morocco, Fiji, and Ireland

Now is a great time to get students excited about their summer plans, and encourage them to go on an adventure abroad! To help volunteers and staff promote our 2-3 week Global Prep programs  in Morocco, Fiji, and Ireland, Marketing has created a new fact sheet (below) highlighting some fun insights, benefits, and details.

You can use the following information as a reference when talking to students about opportunities to go abroad, or as a guide for helping applicants choose the program that’s right for them.


Morocco Global Prep

Recommended for students who are motivated to travel off the beaten path and join in hands-on volunteering.

Fast facts:

  • 2-week program
  • Program fee: $5,150
  • Apply by April 1, 2018
  • Eligibility: students ages 13-18

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships (up to $500)
  • Montana Global Prep Scholarship (for participants who are Montana residents)

On this program, students will:

  • Participate in impactful volunteer projects that focus on providing resources to local children
  • Stay at a volunteer base in the city of Azrou, which is surrounded by mountains and forests
  • Take Arabic lessons and then practice their skills on excursions to local markets and museums

Highlights about life in Morocco:

  • Experience local culture and explore the Sahara Desert from the back of a camel
  • Taste delicious Moroccan food like tagine, a type of stew with meat, vegetables, and fruit


Fiji Global Prep

Ideal for students who want to explore a tropical destination and are comfortable with rustic accommodations.

Fast facts:

  • 2-week program
  • Program fee: $6,395
  • Apply by April 1, 2018
  • Eligibility: students ages 14-18

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships (up to $500)

On this program, students will:

  • Contribute to hands-on community development projects that focus on resource management
  • Explore Fiji’s natural beauty with excursions to dense jungles, vibrant coral reefs, and sweeping volcanoes
  • Stay at a volunteer base in the Tailevu province of Viti Levu, Fiji’s largest island

Highlights about life in Fiji:

  • Learn about indigenous culture and try dishes like palusami (taro leaves with coconut, onions, and beef)
  • Take advantage of the tropical landscape with water sports like snorkeling, surfing, and kayaking


Ireland Global Prep

Recommended for students who want to explore the unique culture and history of an English-speaking country.

Fast facts:

  • 3-week program
  • Program fee: $6,900
  • Apply by April 1, 2018
  • Eligibility: students ages 13-17

Scholarships available:

  • Global Leaders need-based scholarships (up to $500)

On this program, students will:

  • Earn college credit while taking immersive courses on Irish culture, language, and history
  • Stay in dorms in the surf town of Bundoran, located on the West coast of Ireland
  • Visit the cultural centers of Dublin and Galway and take a trip to Free Derry in Northern Ireland

Highlights about life in Ireland:

  • Join in adventure sports like surfing and climbing and learn to play Gaelic football
  • Explore Ireland’s stunning coastal scenery, complete with grassy hills, caves, castles, and ancient tombs


Click here to download a printable version of the fact sheet. You can also visit the school outreach tab in the field hub to download a PowerPoint slide for each of these programs (plus the programs featured in previous fact sheets) to include in your school presentations.

Please reach out to if you have any questions!