Host Family Orientation Materials

Host Family Orientation Materials

Host Family Orientation Materials

Updated 2022-23 Host Family Orientation materials have been made available on Help & Learning. There is a new PowerPoint presentation that can be used in person or virtually to run your orientation event. Please note, for compliance reasons it is mandatory that all teams hosting students hold a Host Family Orientation event. In addition, host families are required to take an online HFO module upon confirmation as a host family, the content of which complements the in-person HFO.

Global Family Tools (GFT)

NH22 will be our second hosting cycle where we offer the GFT to host families. If you haven’t already, please take time to look through the helpful online tool and make sure your host families are aware of it and the type of information it provides them.

The GFT is an online tool designed to provide Host Families with information and resources needed for a successful hosting experience.  You can learn more about the tool and how to promote it to Host Families here. You can access the GFT directly here using your usual Global Link login.

2022-23 Host Family Handbook

There have been some updates to the Host Family Handbook content for the 2022-2023. We have phased out the traditional handbook style document and have transitioned to having the Host Family Handbook as a series of articles in the Global Family Tools Platform (GFT). This will make the information much more accessible, as articles and topics can be searched using a keyword or topic directly from a mobile device. Host families are provided with a link to the GFT, via email, when they are approved as a host family, however we ask that Area Teams make a point of ensuring every host family knows where the Host Family Handbook is and how to access it as part of the local onboarding process.

Here is a link directly to the Handbook section of the GFT.

In addition, helpful information can be found on the Host Family Resources page of the website.