Introducing…The Global Educator Newsletter

Introducing…The Global Educator Newsletter

Gear up for true interaction with educators everywhere! As your new Director of Educational Outreach, I am happy to announce that there are tremendous resources ready and more in the pipeline for educators across the country. Please direct all of your educator friends, neighbors and contacts to and have them “Join our Community” at the top of the page so they don’t miss out.

The first edition of The Global Educator will be delivered to inboxes very soon, and no educator should be left out. This is an INTERACTIVE resource to begin connecting our like-minded and globally-focused educators around the country so they can share ideas AND access what others have posted. Interaction is key with this e-newsletter. Educators of all content areas and grade levels are invited to participate and no idea is too small!

Also, the MyAFS Help & Learning area is a great resource to find information about all things AFS. The “Connect with Schools” section of Help & Learning is undergoing a facelift. Some documents have already been revised and posted and many more are on their way. Bookmark this page so you can easily access everything you need to build great relationships with our schools.

I value your input, suggestions, and resources and I know we have a greater impact when we work together. You can always email me directly if you have something to share. Also, if you have a fun idea about how to engage in International Education Week (IEW), November 18-22, 2019, please click on this link. Click on the “+” to drop a pin in your city and then tell us your idea with a description and links to any videos, pictures or websites that will help us implement the idea! Encourage your educator friends to contribute as well… It will get them thinking about IEW so every classroom will go global this November! Let’s model the #AFSeffect!