Let’s celebrate AFS Host Families

Let’s celebrate AFS Host Families

“Host families are the link between people and peace.” – Susan R., AFS Volunteer from Indiana

March is Host Family appreciation month, and this year we have a lot to be thankful for!

Host families bring the AFS mission to life by spreading peace and understanding in their communities every day. They make a difference in the lives of their exchange students and everyone else they touch with their kindness and generosity.

As part of the 10 for 10 Challenge, we asked volunteers like you to write a note of appreciation for the AFS Host Families in your Area Team. To show our host families how grateful we are for all that they do, we put together an interactive map of the “thank you” messages you came up with.

Click on each drop pin on the map to see the different host family messages and where they come from!

View map

P.S. Feel free to send along this map to any past or current host families you know! You can also share it (along with Meet the Students) with anyone you’re in contact with who is interested in finding out more about the hosting experience.